
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tickle Flissy's Musical Tummy

At dinner tonight, Siri and I were sitting across from Josh and Flissy. Josh told Siri that when he tickled Flissy's tummy, her tummy would make music. Josh was sitting in front of the piano and was using his elbow to make the music. Siri thought it was great!

I thought it was pretty seamless too. I couldn't see Josh using his elbow to make the music when he tickled Fliss. Siri wanted to see if she could make Flissy make music too. She ran over and started to tickle Flissy's tummy—and put her elbow out to bonk on the piano just like her daddy! Too smart for us!

1 comment:

L'el said...

Ha, that's brilliant. Siri is a quick one...